Participating Aircrafts

Technical Specifications
Crew: 1
Passengers: 5-6
Max T/O Weight: 3400 Lb
Cruising speed 135 Knots
Fuel Capacity: 98 US gal
Max Range: 905 nm
Service Ceiling: 20000 ft

ROBIN DR401 – 155CDI
Crew: 1
Passengers: 3
Max t/o weight: 1100kg
Fuel capacity: 42 USgal, 160 L
Cruising speed: 124 kn @ 75% Power
Max range: >700 nm
Service ceiling: 17500 ft
This french airplane from Dijon first flew in 1972 and is still in production today. It has a wooden body.

Beechcraft Bonanza V35B
Technical Specification
Crew: 1
Passenger: 3 – 5
Max t/o weight: 3400 lb (1542 kg) – with tip tank 3600 lb
Fuel Capacity: 79 (main) + 40 (tip) = 119 Gal (450l)
Cruising Speed: 160 knots @ 8000 ft
Max Range: > 1.200 NM
Service Ceiling: 17.500 ft
TKS-Deicing-System: 6,4 Gal


Technical Specifications

Avionics: Garmin G1000 NXi
Exterior Height: 8 ft 2 in
Wing Span: 44 ft 4 in
Length: 28 ft 1 in
Crew: 1
Passengers: 3
Operating Weights
Max T/O Weight: 4407 Lb
Empty Weight: 3109 Lb
Fuel Capacity: 50 gal Lb
Payload Useful: 1299 Lb
Max Range: 1215 nm
Service Ceiling: 18000 ft
Takeoff Distance: 919 ft
Balanced Field Length: 2297 ft
Landing Distance: 1115 ft
Rate of Climb: 1550 fpm
Max Speed: 197 kts
Normal Cruise: 176 kts
Maximum crosswind component: 25 kts
Power Plant
Engines: 2
Engine Mfg: Austro Engine
Engine Model: AE 300 turbocharged, common-rail injected 2.0 liter diesel engine

MTOW 600kg
Wingspan: 9,00m
Fullspeed: 170 kts @sealevel.
Cruise speed: 160kts @ sealevel.
Climb rate 1564,7 ft/min.
Fuelconsumption in cruise: 16l/h
Glide ratio: 1: 22
Fueltanks: 2×50l
Fuselage and wings 100% carbon
100hp Rotax injection
Max range: 1500km
Avionics: 2x Dynon skywiev 1100, 1x Dynon skyview 800
Rescue system: ballistic parachute.
Aircraftmanufacturer: Portoaviation, Italy.
Fastest ultralight of the world.


Mooney M20F Executive 21

Technical specifications


Crew: 1

Passengers: 3

Maximum T/O Weight: 2740 lbs 

Cruising speed: 130 knots 

Fuel capacity: 64 US gal

Max: range: >900 NM

Service ceiling: 17900 ft

Call sign: G-SEEK
Type: Cessna T210N
Occupancy: Pilot 1, Passangers 5
Max take off weight: 4000 lbs
Max fuel: 717 lbs
Cruise speed: 148-186 kts
Service ceiling: 27000 feet
Max range: 1300 NM

Call sign: HZ-HSM
Type: Cessna T182T
Occupancy: Pilot 1, Passangers 3
Max take off weight: 3100 lbs
Max fuel: 329 lbs
Cruise speed: 132-142 kts
Service ceiling: 20000 feet
Max range: 1300 NM

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